More than

driven piles 35 000 м3.

More than 150 000

running meters have been drilled.


Years in the construction market

Pilot drilling

Our driving rigs drill to a depth of 15 meters with continuous flight auger and with telescopic auger – up to 28 meters. Our company can perform drilling for piles insertion for natural and legal entities:

  • Pilot holes for piles driving, pile tongues for the installation of pile foundation
  • Drilling for penetration of pipes, pillars and tongues for strengthening of the foundation and ditches
  • Besides our company provides rental services of the boring equipment

Availability of such equipment as continuous flight auger gives us the opportunity to drill a hole up to 15 meters in depth at a time.

Pilot drilling is used to optimize the process of pile driving and intensification of pile-driving machines work. Pile is penetrated much faster in pre-bored hole and pile refusal occurs at the first drive that removes the need to maintain a period of soil rest (to wait 3-7 days till structural bonds in soil will be restored in order to finish off the pile to the desired depth).